Grain Quick-ScanTM

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Grain Quick-ScanTM

Automatic analysis system for grain size measurement
Grain Size Measurement
ASTM E112 (2012), ASTM E1382, ISO 643 (2012), KSD 0205

  • iSolution DT provides the standard measurement environment for structural analysis of metal and materials. ASTM E112 (2000). ASTM E1382 (2010) describe the Grain Size measurement environment with both various Line Intercept methods as well as Planimetric counting methods.
  • The ASTM E1382 (2010) standard defines methods for determining grain size when using image analysis software. Due to accurate Edge Detecting algorithms, iSolution DT provides both automatic and manual measurement environments.
  • Grain size statistics as well as images with grain sized data and images with grain overlays are generated. Grains touching image boundaries are automatically ignored based on the ASSTM standard

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